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Maximize ROI with Location Based Marketing

Unlocking Untapped Potential with Hyperlocal Marketing Strategies like Geofencing, Geotargeting for a Stellar ROI.

A pair of round-rimmed glasses on a notepad in front of a keyboard, with a blurred pen and mouse in the background. GeoFencing marketing turn every small business' size into an advantage.
How geofencing marketing helped a local pizza restaurant get more business
<span style="color:rgba(1, 143, 176, 1)">How geofencing marketing helped a local pizza restaurant get more business</span>

Are you struggling to stand out in the crowded and competitive restaurant market? If so, you're not alone. Many business owners are finding it increasingly difficult to capture the attention of potential customers and drive more business. However, one local pizza restaurant was able to overcome this challenge by leveraging the power of geofencing marketing. In this blog post, we'll explore how this restaurant utilized geofencing marketing strategy to target tough competition, engage with specific zip codes, and leverage office building targeting to drive more business and gain a competitive edge.

Utilizing geofencing marketing strategy helped this local pizza restaurant reach potential customers in a highly targeted and effective way. By deploying engaging call to action ads at their competition, specific zip codes, and office buildings, they were able to capture the attention of their target audience and drive more foot traffic to their restaurant. In the following sections, we'll delve into the specific tactics and strategies they used to achieve success, and how you can apply similar tactics to your own business to see tangible results.

Using Geofencing Marketing to Target Tough Competition

Geofencing marketing allowed a local pizza restaurant to gain a competitive edge in a saturated market. By utilizing this strategy, they were able to reach potential customers who were in close proximity to their competitors' locations. This helped them to effectively divert foot traffic and drive more business to their own establishment.

Furthermore, geofencing allowed the restaurant to create customized ad campaigns that specifically targeted the audience of their competitors. This helped them to highlight their unique value propositions and attract customers who may have originally patronized their competition. Overall, geofencing marketing proved to be a powerful tool in helping the restaurant stand out in a crowded market and ultimately grow their customer base.

Engaging Call to Action Ads in Specific Zip Codes

Geofencing marketing allowed the local pizza restaurant to specifically target and engage with customers in their most competitive areas. By setting upG geofences around the zip codes where their biggest competitors were located, the restaurant was able to deliver targeted and compelling call to action ads to potential customers in those areas. This strategy helped the restaurant stand out in a crowded market and drive more business away from their competitors.

The call to action ads utilized in the specific zip codes were designed to be attention-grabbing and persuasive, encouraging customers to visit the restaurant for a special deal or promotion. By delivering these ads to the right audience at the right time, the restaurant was able to effectively drive more foot traffic and increase sales in areas where they previously struggled to compete. Geofencing marketing provided the restaurant with a strategic advantage in reaching customers in their toughest competition areas.

getting Office Buildings with Geofencing Marketing Strategy

The local pizza restaurant utilized geofencing marketing to target office buildings in the area. By setting up virtual boundaries around these office buildings, they were able to send highly targeted ads and promotions to the employees working there. This strategy allowed the restaurant to reach a large number of potential customers who are likely to order lunch or dinner from their location.

By displaying engaging call to action ads to the office buildings, the restaurant was able to entice hungry employees to order from their menu. The geofencing marketing strategy helped the restaurant to stand out from the tough competition by reaching customers at their place of work and providing convenient options for ordering food. As a result, the restaurant saw a significant increase in their lunchtime sales and gained loyal customers from the office buildings they targeted. Please reach out to Matt Carusone CEO of GeoReach, how we can implement this highly targeted marketing strategy utilizing our platform.

How car dealerships are using geofencing marketing to attract new customers.
<span style="color:rgba(1, 143, 176, 1)">How car dealerships are using geofencing marketing to attract new customers</span>.

In today's competitive automotive industry, car dealerships are constantly seeking new and innovative ways to attract potential customers. One such strategy that has been gaining popularity is geofencing marketing. This technology allows car dealerships to target potential customers within a specific geographic area, such as those in proximity to their dealership or a competitor's location. By understanding the benefits of geofencing and implementing a successful marketing strategy, car dealerships can effectively reach and engage with new customers in their local market.

In this blog post, we will delve into the concept of geofencing marketing in the automotive industry and explore its benefits for car dealerships. We will also provide tips and strategies for implementing a successful geofencing marketing campaign, helping car dealerships to effectively target and attract new customers. Whether you are a car dealership looking to enhance your marketing efforts or simply interested in learning more about this innovative technology, this post will provide valuable insights into the world of geofencing marketing.

Understanding Geofencing Marketing in the Automotive Industry

Geofencing marketing is a location-based advertising strategy that allows car dealerships to target potential customers within a specific geographic area. By using GPS, RFID, Wi-Fi, or cellular data, dealerships can create virtual boundaries around their physical locations or other strategic areas, such as competitor dealerships or popular car shopping destinations. When potential customers enter these predefined areas, they can be targeted with personalized ads and promotions.

In the automotive industry, geofencing marketing is a powerful tool for reaching customers who are actively shopping for a new car. By capturing the attention of individuals who are in close proximity to the dealership, car dealers can increase foot traffic and drive more potential buyers to their showroom. This strategy also allows dealerships to target specific demographics or consumer behaviors in different areas, helping them tailor their marketing efforts to attract new customers.

The Benefits of Geofencing for Car Dealerships

Geofencing marketing offers car dealerships a range of benefits to help them attract new customers and increase sales. One of the main advantages of geofencing is its ability to target potential customers in real-time as they enter a specific geographic area. By setting up virtual boundaries around competitor dealerships or nearby high-traffic locations, car dealerships can send targeted ads or promotions to anyone within those boundaries, increasing the chances of capturing the attention of potential car buyers.


Tips for Implementing a Successful Geofencing Marketing Strategy

  1. Target the Right Locations: When setting up your geofencing parameters, it's essential to choose locations where your target audience frequently visits. This could include areas around competing dealerships, popular shopping centers, or busy intersections. By focusing on these high-traffic areas, you can maximize the exposure of your geofencing ads to potential customers.
  2. Offer Incentives and Promotions: To entice potential customers within your geofenced area, consider offering exclusive incentives or promotions. This could include special discounts, limited-time offers, or even freebies for visiting your dealership. By providing added value to those who engage with your geofencing ads, you can increase the likelihood of converting them into new customers. Don't underestimate the power of a well-timed and appealing offer to drive foot traffic to your dealership. Let GeoReach LLC Geofencing experts, setup and launch your campaign so your business can reap the rewards of targeting your buying audience.
Utilize Geofencing Marketing around Trade Shows and Events

Trade shows and events are key opportunities for businesses to network, showcase their products or services, and connect with potential customers. However, attracting the right audience in a crowded and dynamic environment can be a challenge. That's where geofence marketing comes in. By setting up virtual boundaries around these trade shows and events, businesses can leverage audience targeting tactics that include the use of digital business cards and QR codes. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of geofence marketing and how it can be effectively utilized to target customers at trade shows and events, ultimately enhancing customer engagement and driving business growth.

Geofence marketing is a location-based strategy that leverages the capabilities of mobile devices to target specific audiences within a defined geographical area. By creating a digital fence around a trade show or event venue, businesses can ensure that their marketing messages reach attendees who are most likely to be interested in their products or services. This targeted approach allows for more efficient use of resources and significantly increases the chances of converting leads into customers. Furthermore, by utilizing digital business cards and QR codes, businesses can provide a seamless and interactive experience for attendees, making it easier for them to access relevant information and connect with the company. Throughout this blog post, we will delve into the various aspects of audience targeting through geofence marketing, highlighting its benefits and providing practical tips to optimize customer engagement at trade shows and events.

Understanding Geofence Marketing for Trade Shows and Events

Geofence marketing has emerged as a game changer for trade shows and events, enabling businesses to effectively target their audience and drive engagement. By setting up a virtual boundary around a specific location, such as a trade show venue, businesses can leverage geofencing to deliver targeted advertising and promotions directly to attendees' mobile devices. This innovative marketing tactic allows businesses to establish a virtual connection with potential customers, capturing their attention and increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Geofence marketing offers a wide range of benefits for trade shows and events. Firstly, it provides businesses with the opportunity to optimize their audience targeting efforts by focusing solely on individuals present at the event, ensuring a higher chance of reaching potential customers who are already interested in the industry or products being showcased. Secondly, by utilizing digital business cards and QR codes within the geofence, businesses can facilitate seamless networking and information exchange between exhibitors and attendees. This not only enhances convenience but also enables businesses to track and analyze the effectiveness of their marketing efforts during the event. Ultimately, geofence marketing revolutionizes the way trade shows and events are approached, allowing businesses to maximize their visibility and engagement with their target audience.

Leveraging Audience Targeting Tactics: Using Digital Business Cards and QR Codes

In today's digital age, audience targeting has become crucial for businesses looking to maximize their marketing efforts. Trade shows and events provide an excellent opportunity to target potential customers, and with the advancement in technology, digital business cards and QR codes have emerged as effective audience targeting tactics.

Digital business cards offer a convenient and eco-friendly alternative to traditional paper business cards. By using digital business cards, businesses can easily capture customer information and establish a direct connection. These cards can be easily shared through email, messaging apps, or even through social media platforms, allowing for effortless distribution and increasing the chance of follow-ups. QR codes, on the other hand, have gained popularity due to their ease of use and versatility. By strategically placing QR codes at trade show booths or event venues, businesses can entice attendees to scan the codes for access to exclusive content, discounts, or personalized offers. This not only helps in capturing the attention of potential customers but also provides valuable data for targeted marketing campaigns.

Overall, leveraging audience targeting tactics such as digital business cards and QR codes can significantly enhance customer engagement at trade shows and events. By utilizing these innovative tools, businesses can establish a direct connection with potential customers and effectively capture their information. This targeted approach allows for personalized marketing campaigns, increasing the chances of converting leads into loyal customers. Implementing geofencing strategies along with these audience targeting tactics can further amplify the impact, ensuring that businesses make the most out of their trade show and event marketing efforts.

Enhancing Customer Engagement through Geofencing Strategies at Trade Shows and Events

One of the key benefits of geofencing strategies at trade shows and events is the ability to enhance customer engagement. By utilizing geofencing technology, businesses can target specific audiences within a certain geographical location, such as trade show venues, and provide them with personalized experiences. For example, they can send push notifications or alerts to attendees who have opted in, informing them about special offers, discounts, or exclusive content related to the event. This targeted approach not only increases the chances of capturing the attention of potential customers but also improves their overall engagement by delivering relevant and timely information. By leveraging geofencing strategies, businesses can create a sense of exclusivity and curiosity among attendees, encouraging them to explore products or services further.

Additionally, geofencing strategies can also be used to drive customer engagement through interactive experiences at trade shows and events. For instance, businesses can set up digital business card kiosks or QR code scanning stations within the geofenced area. Attendees can easily access and exchange contact details through digital business cards, eliminating the need for physical cards and streamlining the networking process. Moreover, QR codes can be used to provide attendees with quick access to relevant information, such as product demos, brochures, or even exclusive event content. By implementing these interactive elements, trade show and event exhibitors can capture valuable leads, encourage attendees to actively participate, and facilitate meaningful connections between businesses and potential customers. Overall, geofencing strategies provide an effective way to enhance customer engagement and create memorable experiences at trade shows and events.

Real Estate Agents using Geofencing Marketing to find new clients

Are you a real estate agent looking for innovative ways to connect with potential homebuyers? Look no further than geofencing marketing. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of geofencing marketing and how it can be leveraged by real estate agents to effectively find new buyers for homes. By harnessing the power of location-based hyperlocal advertising, real estate agents can target specific areas and individuals who are actively seeking to purchase a property. In the following paragraphs, we will delve into understanding geofencing marketing, its benefits, and provide effective strategies for real estate agents to make the most of this revolutionary marketing technique. So, let's dive in and discover how geofencing marketing can help you take your real estate business to new heights.

Understanding Geofencing Marketing for Real Estate Agents

Geofencing marketing has become an increasingly popular strategy for real estate agents to target potential homebuyers in specific locations. This location-based hyperlocal advertising technique utilizes virtual boundaries, known as geofences, to deliver highly targeted ads and messages to users within a specific geographical area. By setting up these virtual fences around specific neighborhoods or areas of interest, real estate agents can effectively reach individuals who are in close proximity to the properties they are selling.

The key advantage of geofencing marketing for real estate agents is its ability to deliver ads and messages directly to potential buyers at the right place and time. With the use of mobile devices and GPS technology, real estate agents can create personalized experiences for users by sending them relevant advertisements when they are near a property or actively searching for homes in a specific location. This targeted approach not only increases the chances of attracting interested buyers but also helps real estate agents make efficient use of their marketing budgets by focusing on audiences most likely to convert into clients. By understanding the fundamentals of geofencing marketing, real estate agents can leverage this powerful tool to effectively find new buyers for homes in their target areas.

Leveraging Location-Based Hyperlocal Advertising to Target Potential Homebuyers

Location-based hyperlocal advertising has revolutionized the way real estate agents target potential homebuyers. By utilizing geofencing marketing techniques, agents can identify specific geographical areas and create a virtual boundary around them. This allows them to deliver targeted advertisements directly to the mobile devices of individuals within that designated area.

The key advantage of location-based hyperlocal advertising is its ability to reach potential buyers who are actively searching for homes in a specific location. Real estate agents can target individuals who have recently visited open houses in the area or have searched for properties online. By delivering timely and relevant advertisements directly to these potential buyers, agents can significantly increase their chances of generating leads and closing sales. Moreover, this proactive approach enables agents to focus their marketing efforts on individuals who are more likely to be interested in purchasing a home, thereby maximizing their return on investment.

Effective Strategies for Real Estate Agents to Find New Buyers Using Geofencing Marketing

One of the most effective strategies for real estate agents to find new buyers using geofencing marketing is by targeting specific events or locations where potential homebuyers might be present. By setting up geofences around open houses, real estate conferences, or even local community events, agents can ensure that their advertising messages reach individuals who are actively interested in the real estate market. This targeted approach allows agents to maximize their advertising budget, focusing on those who are most likely to engage and eventually make a purchase.

Another strategy that can be employed is retargeting potential buyers who have shown interest in certain properties within the geofenced areas. By utilizing geofencing technology, real estate agents can track individuals who have visited open houses or interacted with their advertisements in the defined location. These individuals can then be remarketed to with personalized messages or offers, reminding them of the properties they were interested in and encouraging them to take the next step in the home-buying process. By leveraging the power of geofencing marketing, agents can effectively nurture potential buyers and guide them towards making a purchase decision.

A Case Study on a Cannabis Company that uses Geofencing Marketing to get more clients in the door

Geolocation marketing has become increasingly popular among businesses, and the cannabis industry is no exception. In this blog post, we will explore how a cannabis company effectively utilizes geofencing marketing to identify and target their ideal audience. By delving into a real-life case study, we will uncover the benefits of geolocation marketing for cannabis companies and share valuable insights on increasing client footfall. From understanding geolocation marketing to analyzing the results, this blog post will provide actionable strategies and lessons learned for cannabis businesses looking to leverage this powerful technique in order to attract more clients and boost their presence in the market. Let's dive in and discover how geofencing marketing can help cannabis companies find their target audience and drive more foot traffic through their doors.

Introduction to Geolocation Marketing: Exploring the Benefits for Cannabis Companies

Geolocation marketing, also known as geofencing marketing, is a powerful tool that allows businesses to target their audience based on their geographic location. By intelligently using this technique, cannabis companies can effectively reach potential clients and increase their footfall.

In this blog post, we will delve into the benefits of geolocation marketing specifically for cannabis companies. While the legalization of cannabis has opened up new opportunities for businesses in this industry, competition is fierce. Therefore, it becomes crucial for companies to leverage innovative marketing strategies like geofencing to identify and target their audience effectively. We will explore how geolocation marketing can help cannabis companies overcome their unique challenges and gain a competitive edge in the market.

Case Study: How a Cannabis Company Utilizes Geofencing Marketing to Identify and Target Their Audience

In today's digital age, geolocation marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses to reach their target audience with precision. This case study delves into how a cannabis company effectively utilizes geofencing marketing techniques to identify and target their ideal customers. By harnessing the power of geolocation technology, the company is able to strategically reach potential clients in specific geographical areas, ensuring their marketing efforts are directed towards individuals who are most likely to be interested in their products.

To begin, the cannabis company carefully defines their target audience based on various factors such as age, demographics, and interests. With a clear understanding of who they are targeting, they employ geofencing marketing, a technique that sets up virtual boundaries around specific locations or areas. These boundaries, often called geofences, can be as small as a city block or as large as an entire city. By using geofencing technology, the company can then send targeted advertisements, promotions, or notifications to individuals within the geofenced area who meet their ideal customer profile. This precise targeting ensures that their marketing efforts are not wasted on individuals who may have little interest in cannabis products, optimizing their budget and resources.

Real-Life Results and Lessons Learned from Geofencing Marketing in the Cannabis Industry

In this section, we will delve into the practical outcomes and valuable insights gained from utilizing geofencing marketing in the cannabis industry. By employing this advanced geolocation technique, cannabis companies have witnessed significant increases in client footfall and experienced a multitude of valuable lessons.

One compelling real-life result found from geofencing marketing in the cannabis industry is the notable boost in client footfall. By implementing targeted advertisements and offering exclusive promotions to individuals within specific geographical areas, cannabis companies have effectively attracted their desired audience. Through the precise identification and targeted approach, these companies have successfully enticed potential clients who were previously unaware of their products or services. As a result, the foot traffic into their establishments has noticeably increased, leading to a significant growth in sales and overall business prospects. This real-life outcome reinforces the transformative power of geofencing marketing in the cannabis industry.

Another crucial aspect to highlight is the lessons learned from utilizing geofencing marketing. Through implementation, cannabis companies have gained valuable insights into their target audience's preferences, behavior, and consumer patterns. By tracking and analyzing the data collected through geofencing campaigns, companies can tailor their marketing strategies to better suit the needs and interests of their audience. This data-driven approach allows companies to optimize their advertising efforts, resulting in enhanced customer engagement and increased conversions. The lessons learned from geofencing marketing serve as a powerful tool for cannabis companies, enabling them to make informed decisions and continuously improve their marketing strategies to stay ahead in the competitive industry.

Meet GeoReach: An unrivaled digital marketing agency in CT
A man and a woman in a start-up, talking in front of a computer. A digital marketing agency in CT is everything you and your business deserve.

Advertising is the backbone of any business. Without an effective digital marketing agency in CT, generating leads and conversions is impossible. This is a slow, painful death of enterprise. However, there are solutions. Luckily, at GeoReach, we synthesize creative solutions, boundless industry experience, and innovative technology to provide unparalleled service. Relying on traditional marketing approaches is like fishing with your bare hands. Let us cast the net so you can sit back and reap the rewards.

Here’s everything you need to know about GeoReach:

About us

GeoReach is a location-based digital marketing agency in CT that empowers small businesses to compete with established titans of their respective industries.

Our rare combination of experience, cutting-edge technology, and creativity enables us to put you directly in front of the prime audience for your business. We ensure your targeted audience is always in your crosshairs.

We’re a passionate advertising firm that believes in helping small businesses flourish in ways they never thought possible. We guarantee to find your target buying audience, and we can even help create high-impact, targeted marketing campaigns.

Traditional marketing takes too long to scale and too long to find and reach the people you need to. We connect you with viable prospects at unprecedented speeds. You don’t have to beat the competition if you can get around them. That’s precisely what we help you do.

What we do

GeoReach is a unique digital marketing agency in CT. We provide a wide array of location-based advertising services that give small businesses an edge.


GeoFencing services engineer campaigns that capitalize on location-based marketing. We deliver highly targeted solutions to connect with prospects in real-time.

GeoFences are virtual fences situated around a real-world location. This enables you to interact with users when they enter designated areas.


GeoTargeting generates traffic and boosts brand awareness. It enables you to know the perfect moment to pursue each lead.

By utilizing key analytics like demographics, behavior, location, and interests, you’ll optimize your advertising, generate more conversions, and maximize your ROI.

Connected TV

Connected TV (CTV) marketing involves placing ads on internet-connected TVs or devices that stream video content.

CTV advertising enables you to implement targeted, high-impact advertising and reach your audience at the most opportune moment.


OTT (over-the-top) advertising is delivered directly to viewers using streaming services. It enables you to circumvent traditional TV providers.

This gives you the ability to directly reach audiences without having to adhere to schedules or other geographic constraints.

In conjunction, GeoReach’s services will revolutionize your business. You’ll run circles around your competition while they strain through the mildest movements.

What sets us apart

We’re a supremely creative digital marketing agency in CT. We develop unrivaled, tailored strategies by getting to know each client and crafting unique narratives that set them apart.

Even more importantly, our unparalleled scope of industry experience enables us to tackle problems in innovative ways. As a result, we’re able to provide unmatched insights and assessments relating to your target marketing, which maximizes your ROI.

We guarantee to put you in front of the audience you need and want to connect with. Converting prospects has never been so easy. We understand that, when competing with established, bigger companies, it often feels like you’re at a disadvantage. Consider us the equalizer.

Schedule a call now!

If you’re a small business in Connecticut interested in surpassing your industry’s biggest players, GeoReach is the premier digital marketing agency in CT for you! Using our innovative approaches, cutting-edge technology, and vast experience, we guarantee to put you in front of viable prospects and boost business and brand awareness. Unlike competitors, we offer tailored solutions to create transcendental narratives and campaigns. Schedule a call now!

Real estate agencies utilizing geofencing to acquire new buyers
March 1, 2024 at 12:30 PM
We hung that art piece by Tekuma artist Lulu Zheng, and I particularly loved how Lulu combines architecture and organic forms. Even if it is in the background, her 3D elephant brings the focus of the viewer towards her work.

In today's digital age, real estate agencies are constantly seeking innovative ways to connect with potential buyers in specific locations. Geofencing marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for achieving this goal, allowing real estate agencies to target individuals in specific geographical areas with precision. By leveraging geofencing technology, real estate agencies can increase engagement, drive conversions, and ultimately, acquire new buyers in a highly effective manner.

This blog post will delve into the ways in which geofencing marketing offers real estate agencies a powerful tool for reaching potential buyers. We will explore the strategies that can be implemented to increase engagement with geofencing marketing in the real estate industry, and discuss the impact of geofencing on driving conversions for real estate agencies. By the end of this post, readers will have a comprehensive understanding of how geofencing marketing can be utilized to optimize for the keywords geofencing marketing offers real estate agencies a powerful tool for reaching potential buyers in specific locations, increasing engagement, and driving conversions.

How Geofencing Marketing Offers Real Estate Agencies a Powerful Tool for Reaching Potential Buyers

Geofencing marketing has become an essential tool for real estate agencies looking to target potential buyers in specific locations. By setting up virtual perimeters around specific geographical areas, real estate agencies can effectively reach out to individuals who are either in the vicinity of a property or have shown interest in a particular neighborhood. This level of targeting ensures that marketing efforts are directed towards individuals who are most likely to be interested in the properties being offered, ultimately increasing the chances of converting them into buyers.

Additionally, geofencing marketing allows real estate agencies to personalize their marketing efforts based on the location of potential buyers. This includes sending targeted ads, promotions, and property listings to individuals within the designated geofenced areas, making it easier to capture the attention of potential buyers who may be in the market for a new home. Ultimately, by leveraging the power of geofencing, real estate agencies can efficiently and effectively reach potential buyers, resulting in a higher return on investment for their marketing efforts.

Increasing Engagement with Geofencing Marketing in the Real Estate Industry

Geofencing marketing provides real estate agencies with the ability to engage potential buyers in a highly targeted manner. By leveraging geofencing technology, agencies can create virtual boundaries around specific locations, such as neighborhoods with high real estate demand or popular open houses. This allows them to send personalized and relevant marketing messages to individuals within these geographic areas, capturing their attention while they are in a prime location to make a real estate decision.

Furthermore, geofencing marketing enables real estate agencies to engage potential buyers at key moments, such as when they are viewing a property or attending a local real estate event. By delivering timely and location-based information, agencies can create a more personalized and impactful experience for potential buyers, ultimately increasing their engagement and likelihood of considering the agency's offerings. This interactive and targeted approach to marketing not only helps real estate agencies stand out in a crowded market, but also fosters deeper connections with potential buyers, leading to higher engagement levels and increased interest in the agency's properties.

Driving Conversions: The Impact of Geofencing for Real Estate Agencies

Geofencing marketing can significantly impact conversion rates for real estate agencies. By targeting potential buyers in specific locations, agencies can tailor their marketing efforts to reach individuals who are actively seeking properties in those areas. This hyper-targeted approach can lead to increased interest and ultimately higher conversion rates, as the audience is already predisposed to being interested in the properties being offered.

In addition, geofencing allows real estate agencies to engage with potential buyers in real-time, providing them with relevant information and updates about available properties in their desired locations. This immediate and personalized interaction can help drive conversions by keeping potential buyers engaged and informed, ultimately leading to a higher likelihood of them taking the next step in the purchasing process. With geofencing, real estate agencies can ensure that they are reaching the right audience at the right time, increasing the chances of turning potential leads into successful conversions. Let GeoReach create a hyperlocal campaign to reach your potential buyer's at the right place and time.

Restaurant Businesses Utilizing Geofencing Marketing
January 9, 2024 at 2:00 PM
by GeoReach LLC
Restaurant Businesses Utilizing Geofencing Marketing

In today's digital age, marketing strategies have evolved significantly, especially for restaurant businesses seeking to attract more customers. One groundbreaking technique that has gained momentum in recent years is geofencing marketing. This innovative approach utilizes location-based marketing strategies to target potential customers and ultimately drive foot traffic into restaurants. By deploying geofencing technology, restaurant owners can effectively leverage the power of location data and engage with diners in real-time, leading to increased customer engagement, conversion rates, and ultimately, business growth.

Geofencing technology utilizes GPS or RFID technology to create virtual boundaries or geofences around specific locations. In the context of restaurant businesses, these geofences can encompass the surrounding area of the establishment, such as shopping centers, office buildings, or even competitor locations. By deploying geofences, restaurants can tap into the vast pool of potential customers that frequent these areas and target them with relevant marketing campaigns. For instance, a restaurant can utilize geofencing to send personalized offers, promotions, or even exclusive discounts to individuals who enter the geofenced area. This proactive approach not only heightens the restaurant's visibility but also entices potential customers to visit their establishment, ultimately driving foot traffic and boosting revenue. In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the ways geofencing marketing can be leveraged to attract customers and how it enhances customer engagement and conversion rates for restaurant businesses.

Leveraging Geofencing Technology to Drive Foot Traffic into Restaurants

Geofencing technology has revolutionized the way restaurant businesses can attract and engage potential customers. With the use of this innovative technology, restaurants can create virtual boundaries around their establishment to target a specific audience based on their location. By utilizing geofencing marketing, restaurant owners can send personalized and timely notifications to individuals in proximity, enticing them to step foot into their establishment.

One of the key benefits of geofencing technology is its ability to directly impact foot traffic into restaurants. By setting up a geofence around the restaurant's vicinity, targeted notifications can be sent to potential customers when they are in the area. These notifications can include enticing offers, exclusive discounts, or even personalized recommendations based on the customer's preferences. By strategically leveraging geofencing technology, restaurant businesses can effectively drive foot traffic and increase their chances of converting potential customers into loyal patrons.

How Location-Based Marketing Strategies Can Target Potential Customers for Restaurant Businesses

Location-based marketing strategies have become increasingly valuable for restaurant businesses in targeting potential customers. By utilizing geofencing technology, restaurants can create virtual boundaries around their establishments or desired areas. This allows them to send targeted and personalized messages to customers within a specific radius, enticing them to visit and boosting foot traffic.

One effective location-based marketing strategy is sending push notifications or text messages to potential customers who are in close proximity to the restaurant. These notifications can include enticing offers such as discounts, special promotions, or even limited-time menu items. By reaching customers at the right time and place, restaurants can capture their attention and encourage them to visit. Moreover, this targeted approach increases the likelihood of conversion as customers are more likely to respond positively to relevant offers that align with their current location. Overall, location-based marketing strategies enable restaurant businesses to tap into the power of geofencing technology to attract potential customers and drive foot traffic into their establishments.

Increasing Customer Engagement and Conversion through Geofencing Marketing in Restaurants

Geofencing marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for restaurant businesses to enhance customer engagement and boost conversion rates. By implementing geofencing technology, restaurants can create a virtual boundary around their establishment and send targeted messages and offers to potential customers who enter that geographic area. This location-based marketing strategy allows restaurants to directly connect with their target audience, enticing them with personalized offers and promotions that are specific to their location.

One of the key advantages of geofencing marketing in restaurants is its ability to increase customer engagement. By sending relevant and timely notifications to customers who are in close proximity to the restaurant, businesses can effectively capture their attention and encourage them to take action. For instance, a restaurant can send a notification to potential customers walking nearby, offering a special discount or free appetizer if they dine in within the next hour. This personalized approach not only grabs the customer's attention but also creates a sense of urgency and excitement, driving them to visit the restaurant and engage with the brand.

Additionally, geofencing marketing in restaurants can significantly improve conversion rates. By targeting potential customers who are already in the vicinity of the restaurant, businesses can capitalize on spontaneous decision-making and convert foot traffic into actual customers. For example, a restaurant can send a push notification to individuals who have visited a nearby theater, offering them a discount or complimentary dessert if they make a reservation within the next half an hour. This targeted and time-sensitive offer is likely to entice customers to choose the restaurant over other options, resulting in increased conversions and ultimately boosting the restaurant's overall revenue.

In conclusion GeoReach LLC can build a geofencing marketing i strategy for restaurant businesses to increase customer engagement and conversion rates. By leveraging this location-based marketing technique, restaurants can directly connect with potential customers in their vicinity, sending personalized offers and notifications that capture their attention and entice them to visit the establishment. Ultimately, geofencing marketing can play a pivotal role in driving foot traffic into restaurants and maximizing their success in a highly competitive industry.

Connected TV Advertising for Personal Injury Lawyers
September 19, 2023 at 11:00 AM

Connected TV advertising has revolutionized the way personal injury lawyers reach and engage their target audiences. With the ability to specifically target injured individuals, connected TV marketing offers a powerful tool for these lawyers to amplify their advertising efforts. This blog post aims to delve into the world of connected TV advertising for personal injury lawyers, highlighting its potential to effectively reach and connect with audiences in need of legal assistance.

In the first paragraph of this blog post, we will provide an overview of connected TV advertising for personal injury lawyers. We will explain what connected TV advertising is and how it differs from traditional TV advertising. This introduction will also touch upon the benefits and advantages that connected TV marketing offers for personal injury lawyers, such as precise audience targeting and increased engagement. By setting the stage with this overview, readers will gain a clear understanding of the topic at hand and the importance of connected TV advertising for personal injury lawyers.

Overview of Connected TV Advertising for Personal Injury Lawyers

Connected TV advertising has emerged as a powerful tool for personal injury lawyers to reach and engage with their target audiences effectively. With the increasing popularity of streaming services and smart TVs, connected TV has become a prominent channel for advertising campaigns. This form of advertising allows personal injury lawyers to deliver their messages directly to relevant audiences who may have experienced injuries and are seeking legal representation.

One of the key advantages of connected TV advertising is its ability to target specific demographics and reach a highly engaged audience. Personal injury lawyers can leverage this medium to showcase their expertise to individuals who have been injured and are actively seeking legal assistance. By choosing connected TV advertising, law firms can optimize their marketing strategies to connect with the right people at the right time, increasing their chances of capturing the attention of potential clients in need of their services. This overview will delve deeper into the benefits and strategies of connected TV marketing for personal injury lawyers, providing essential insights into a powerful advertising tool tailored for reaching audiences seeking legal help for their injuries.

How Connected TV Marketing Can Help Personal Injury Lawyers Target Audiences of Injured People

Connected TV marketing offers a powerful tool for personal injury lawyers to effectively reach and target audiences of individuals who have been injured. By leveraging the advanced targeting capabilities of connected TVs, lawyers can ensure that their advertisements are shown to relevant viewers who are more likely to be in need of legal representation for their personal injury cases. With traditional TV advertising, personal injury lawyers had limited control over who saw their ads. However, connected TV marketing allows for precise targeting based on factors such as location, demographics, and even specific viewing habits.

One of the key advantages of connected TV advertising is the ability to engage with audiences in a more personalized and interactive manner. Personal injury lawyers can deliver ads that are tailored to the specific needs and concerns of injured individuals, making their message more relevant and compelling. By utilizing interactive features such as clickable call-to-action buttons or dynamic overlays, lawyers can provide viewers with instant access to relevant information or prompt them to take immediate action, such as scheduling a consultation. This level of personalization and interactivity creates a more engaging viewing experience for audiences and enhances the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.

Utilizing Connected TV as an Effective Advertising Tool for Personal Injury Lawyers

Connected TV (CTV) is revolutionizing the advertising landscape for personal injury lawyers, providing them with a powerful and effective tool to reach their target audiences. Unlike traditional TV advertising, CTV allows lawyers to deliver their message directly to injured individuals in a more personalized and targeted manner.

One of the key advantages of utilizing CTV as an advertising tool is the ability to reach audiences who have a higher likelihood of being injured and in need of legal assistance. With the help of sophisticated targeting capabilities, personal injury lawyers can deliver their ads to specific demographics or geographic locations where accidents or injuries are more prevalent. By leveraging data and advanced algorithms, CTV advertising ensures that the right message is being seen by the right audience, maximizing the chances of connecting with potential clients. Additionally, CTV advertising enables personal injury lawyers to amplify their message by combining traditional TV ad formats with interactive elements, such as clickable overlays or interactive call-to-action buttons, increasing engagement and driving higher conversion rates. Overall, with its targeting capabilities and interactive features, CTV emerges as a highly effective advertising tool for personal injury lawyers to connect with their ideal audience of injured individuals.

Geofencing Marketing for Small Retail Business
September 18, 2023 at 12:00 PM

Geolocation has revolutionized the way businesses connect with their target customers. For small retail businesses, understanding and utilizing geofencing marketing can be a game-changer. This location-based strategy allows businesses to precisely target potential customers by their whereabouts, enabling personalized marketing messages that resonate with their needs and preferences. In this blog post, we will explore the power of geofencing marketing and how it can help small retail businesses find their target customers based on their location. From understanding the concept to implementing effective techniques, we will uncover the potential of geofencing marketing to boost sales, increase customer engagement, and ultimately drive business success in today's competitive market. Let's dive in and discover the possibilities that geofencing marketing holds for your small retail business.

Understanding Geofencing Marketing: An Effective Location-Based Strategy for Small Retail Businesses

Geofencing marketing is a powerful and innovative location-based strategy that can greatly benefit small retail businesses. By utilizing geolocation technology, businesses can precisely target their customers based on their location, enabling them to better understand customer behavior and preferences.

With geofencing marketing, small retail businesses can create virtual boundaries around specific locations, such as their store or a competitor's store. These virtual boundaries, known as geofences, trigger personalized messages or notifications to potential customers when they enter or exit the defined area. This allows businesses to engage with customers in real-time and deliver highly targeted and relevant offers, promotions, or information. By understanding the importance of geofencing marketing, small retail businesses can leverage this strategy to enhance customer engagement and drive sales.

Utilizing Geolocation to Locate and Reach Your Target Customers

Geolocation is a powerful tool that allows small retail businesses to precisely locate and reach their target customers based on their current location. By leveraging geolocation data, businesses can gain valuable insights into consumer behavior and preferences, enabling them to tailor their marketing strategies to effectively engage with their desired audience.

One key advantage of utilizing geolocation is the ability to identify areas where your target customers are most likely to be present. By understanding the locations your customers frequent the most, you can strategically position your retail business to be in close proximity to them. This can include opening a new store in an area with high customer density or choosing a booth at a popular local event. By physically being where your target customers are, you can increase the likelihood of attracting their attention and driving foot traffic to your store. Furthermore, geolocation can also inform your advertising efforts, allowing you to target specific areas with location-based ads on popular mobile apps or social media platforms. By reaching customers in the vicinity of your business, you can effectively capture their attention and entice them to visit your store.

Implementing Geofencing Marketing Techniques to Boost Sales and Engagement

One of the most effective ways to implement geofencing marketing techniques is by creating personalized offers and promotions based on the customer's location. By setting up specific geofences around your retail store or in areas where your target customers are likely to be, you can send targeted messages and notifications to their mobile devices. For example, if a customer is within the geofenced area, you can send them a special discount or coupon to entice them to visit your store and make a purchase. This not only increases the chances of driving foot traffic to your store but also encourages impulse buying and immediate engagement with your brand.

In addition to personalized offers, geofencing marketing can also be used to improve customer engagement through interactive experiences. By incorporating geofencing into your mobile app, you can enhance the user experience by providing location-based content and services. For instance, you can send relevant information about nearby events, attractions, or even product recommendations based on the customer's location. This level of personalization not only adds value to the customer but also creates a stronger connection between the customer and your brand. By leveraging geofencing marketing techniques, small retail businesses can significantly boost their sales and engagement, ultimately leading to a stronger customer base and increased revenue.

How to use Geolocation Marketing to Stand Out
September 14, 2023 at 2:00 PM
by Matt Carusone

Now, more American adults use mobile devices than traditional computers when searching for local products and services.

Geolocation is a marketing method that seeks to use mobile technology to push local sales. It can help businesses increase the efficiency of their marketing efforts and optimize their profits.

What Is Geolocation Marketing?

Geolocation marketing is the practice of using a customer's physical location to inform a business's advertising strategy. Information on customers' whereabouts are collected via a satellite or cell tower. Businesses can then use that information to gain insight into the locations and spending habits of potential customers.

Although mobile-based marketing techniques are not new, geolocation is a unique form. Short message service marketing (SMS), for example, allows companies to send text messages to customers about products and services, without the benefit of knowing where they are. Multimedia messaging services (MMS) are similar to SMS, except they include additional media, such as videos or images. Quick-response barcodes (QR codes) offer business information to customers who scan a barcode with their mobile device camera. Though all those techniques are useful, geolocation provides special benefits to marketers.

Benefits of Geolocation Marketing

Geolocation provides businesses with a series of advantages:

  • Highly targeted audiences. Geolocation allows marketers to connect with customers in close physical proximity to their business, exponentially increasing the effectiveness of a marketing campaign.
  • Information acquisition about current customers. Mobile technology allows current customers to check in to businesses they visit, write reviews, and discuss products. Geolocation technology that monitors social media can allow marketers to track that data. In doing so, they can predict behavior and increase brand awareness.
  • Rewarding loyal customers. Social media technology can actually increase sales and promote loyalty. When marketers track the frequency of their visitors' visits, they are better able to provide incentives such as discounts, preferential treatment to regulars, and recognition.
  • Attracting new customers. Perhaps one of the best benefits of geolocation marketing is the ability to target potential new customers. By using geolocation marketing, businesses can effectively convert both foot and online traffic into new customers at brick-and-mortar locations. Businesses can also effectively take advantage of impulse purchasing and can even out "bumps" in the sales day, reducing periods of inactivity during the day.
  • Measured results. With geolocation, businesses can effectively track check-ins and gain tangible results on customer traffic and sales. The technology also allows businesses to improve their search engine rankings by taking advantage of geographically based review sites, such as Yelp.

Marketers seeking to take advantage of those opportunities should be familiar with the types of geolocation tools available.

How to Reach Your Audience

Geolocation involves three levels of audience targeting:

  1. Geotargeting. The most broadly based form of geolocation is geotargeting. In this format, marketers track a Web browser's IP address. Because IP addresses can't target audiences precisely, this level is best used for broad marketing regions, such as entire cities or states.
  2. Geofencing. On this level, marketers can target smaller areas of customer activity, such as specific neighborhoods or streets. Geofencing can also be used for entire cities. With geofencing, marketers use a smartphone's GPS location instead of its IP address, something which allows them to both pinpoint customer location and follow it as it moves. Although this type of geolocation marketing is perfect for business owners who want to attract foot traffic, it is less effective for either very wide or very specific marketing campaigns.
  3. Beacons. The most specific form of geolocation marketing is dependent on beacons, small devices placed in specific physical areas. Beacons are designed to receive data from Bluetooth signals in smartphones. This technology pinpoints exactly where customers walk within the space, so you can market to them accordingly. Beacons are excellent for spaces with poor reception, such as department stores. However, they offer a limited range of communication, they are dependent on the activeness of the Bluetooth signal, and they can be difficult to place and manage on public property.

Geolocation marketing is an extraordinarily valuable tool in the world of advertising. It saves companies time and money and increases both the efficiency and outcomes of their campaigns. For businesses seeking to improve their bottom line, investment in geolocation technology can lead tow success.

Additional sources: Gobabl, Business Queensland

The Future of Marketing and You

Geolocation is just one of the many ways marketing has adapted to the 21st century. For marketers seeking to become leaders in this field, the online master's in communication technology from Point Park University can give them the training they need to reach their goals. The program is designed to be completed in as little as two years, providing an expedited path toward an exciting new career.

Geofencing for Personal Injury Lawyers
September 14, 2023 at 12:30 PM
by Matt Carusone
Geofencing for Personal Injury Lawyers

Geofencing marketing has become a powerful tool for businesses looking to target specific audiences within a designated geographic area. Personal injury lawyers, in particular, can benefit greatly from geofencing marketing strategies. By utilizing this innovative approach, they can effectively reach their target audience and increase their chances of securing new clients. In this blog post, we will explore what geofencing marketing is and how personal injury lawyers can leverage it to their advantage. We will also discuss how geofencing can be used to specifically target urgent care centers and emergency rooms, as well as share strategies to enhance location marketing through geolocation marketing techniques. By the end of this post, you will have a clear understanding of the potential that geofencing marketing holds for personal injury lawyers and how it can help them stand out in a competitive industry.

What is Geofencing Marketing and How Can Personal Injury Lawyers Benefit from It?

Geofencing marketing is a location-based advertising strategy that allows businesses to target potential customers within a specific geographic area. By setting up virtual boundaries or geofences around certain locations, such as urgent care centers and emergency rooms, personal injury lawyers can leverage this technology to effectively reach their target audience.

One of the key benefits of geofencing marketing for personal injury lawyers is the ability to deliver highly targeted advertisements to individuals who are most likely in need of legal services. For example, when someone enters an urgent care center or emergency room within a specific radius, geofencing technology can instantly send them personalized ads about personal injury law services. This targeted approach not only increases the chances of capturing potential clients at the right time and place but also enables personal injury lawyers to establish their presence and reputation in a competitive market. Geofencing marketing can be a powerful tool for personal injury lawyers to enhance their marketing efforts and generate qualified leads.

Utilizing Geofencing Marketing to Target Urgent Care Centers and Emergency Rooms

Urgent care centers and emergency rooms play a critical role in the personal injury legal landscape. When individuals experience an injury, they often seek immediate medical attention at these facilities. By leveraging geofencing marketing, personal injury lawyers can strategically target these locations and maximize their chances of connecting with potential clients in need of legal representation.

Geofencing allows personal injury lawyers to create virtual boundaries around specific locations, such as urgent care centers and emergency rooms, using GPS or RFID technology. When individuals enter these predetermined geofenced areas, they can be targeted with customized advertisements or notifications on their mobile devices. This presents an opportunity for personal injury lawyers to reach injury victims while they are actively seeking medical attention, increasing the likelihood of capturing their attention and providing them with relevant legal information and assistance. By leveraging geofencing marketing techniques, personal injury lawyers can effectively position themselves in front of their target audience and establish themselves as a resource during a vulnerable time.

Enhancing Location Marketing with Geofencing: Strategies for Personal Injury Lawyers to Maximize Geolocation Marketing

One of the most effective ways for personal injury lawyers to maximize geolocation marketing is by utilizing geofencing to target specific locations where potential clients may be present. By setting up virtual boundaries around urgent care centers and emergency rooms, lawyers can ensure that their advertisements and marketing materials are reaching individuals who may have recently been involved in accidents or injuries. These targeted ads can provide valuable information about legal services, guiding individuals towards seeking legal advice and representation for their personal injury case.

Another strategy for personal injury lawyers to maximize geolocation marketing is by offering tailored and location-specific information through geofencing. For example, lawyers can set up geofences around specific areas where accidents commonly occur, such as busy intersections or construction sites. By delivering relevant content to individuals within these geofenced areas, lawyers can provide important safety tips, legal advice, and information about their services. This can not only help individuals who may be at higher risk of accidents but also position the law firm as a trusted source of guidance and support in their local community.

GeoReach’s expert guide: Geofencing for lawyers in Connecticut
July 6, 2022 at 7:00 AM
An area of a city that geofencing can help lawyers target.

For attorneys, there is no shortage of competition, and the key to rising above other law firms is beating them to the marketing punch. While there are several essential marketing strategies law firms must employ to maximize their reach, none are as efficient or effective as geofencing. Here is why geofencing for lawyers is so crucial:

What is geofencing?

Geofencing targets people using devices by delivering high-impact targeted marketing messages that capitalize on location-based marketing.

Geofencing enables you to deliver hyper-specific messaging in real-time to prospective customers by placing virtual fences around real-world locations. When users enter designated areas, you can interact with them directly to deliver an optimized marketing message.

Geofencing is essentially like carving out a piece of a map, targeting specific areas, and adjusting parameters. Virtually everyone uses phones and location data for their GPS to find nearby services and update social media feeds with real-time information. This kind of data is critical to capitalize on.

Geofencing displays ads on pages and search engines that bring users directly to specific landing pages to generate leads and ideally conversions. Geofencing is also essential to nurturing leads until they become conversions.

What does geofencing do for lawyers?

Geofencing is incredibly useful for attorneys and enables them to target specific users far more likely to convert, which is invaluable with such fierce industry competition.

Using the right search terms in conjunction with targeted locations turns your marketing into a highly efficient machine. In a study, consumers offered insights into how far they are willing to travel to consult with a lawyer or law firm:

  • 41% would travel up to 30 miles.
  • 34% would travel up to 15 miles.
  • 19% would travel up to 60 miles.
  • 6% would travel up to 120 miles.

Targeting areas within the right radius enables lawyers to maximize their marketing ROI. Conversely, just because someone is in the right location doesn’t mean they are a promising lead. Geofencing also enables lawyers to exclude devices and users from advertising.

Using ‘door count sessions,’ you can detect users who visit your site multiple times a day or week but never convert to exclude them from your targeted marketing, so you only expose your ads to genuine leads.

Picking the right location

To maximize the benefits of geofencing for lawyers, picking the right location depends on your practice. Consider where clients first begin to search for legal help.

For example, for personal injury attorneys, places like medical facilities and specifically waiting areas and emergency rooms are prime locations to target, as are clinics, physical therapist offices, therapist offices, chiropractor’s offices, and auto body repair or collision shops.

Still, you should implement creative strategizing by targeting less obvious places like nursing homes, intersections that cause accidents, plants or factories, amateur sports arenas, and recreational facilities. For other attorneys, the line of thinking is the same.

Estate and wills lawyers should target higher-income individuals by geofencing concert halls, country clubs, and affluent neighborhoods, divorce lawyers should geofence family counseling offices, and real estate attorneys should geofence areas experiencing rapid development.

Schedule a call to learn how our geofencing services can help you

In an industry as competitive as the legal services industry, you must capitalize on every possible competitive advantage. To attract viable clients, effective marketing strategies are invaluable, which makes geofencing crucial for lawyers. At Georeach, we are the leading digital marketing agency in Connecticut. We can help your law firm tap into location data to leverage geofencing and put yourself ahead of the competition. We always take the time to get to know clients to devise creative strategies tailored to their unique needs. Schedule a call to learn more about how geofencing can help you.

Tips to Pick a Geo-Targeting Marketing Firm in the Tri-State Area
June 11, 2022 at 3:30 AM
Image of a busy downtown street where they&#x27;re using geo-targeting marketing in the tri-state area of Connecticut.

Growing your brand doesn’t always mean spending more for widespread marketing. Sometimes it means refining your approach to reach ideal prospects who are ready to buy. As the capabilities of the internet continue to grow more sophisticated and powerful, brands need to readjust their advertising approach. To try a new strategy, work with a geo-targeting marketing firm in the tri-state area. Here are some tips for picking the right company for your brand and goals.

Find a team with diverse backgrounds.

A marketing firm where everyone comes from the same background and specializes in the same aspects of marketing may not be able to provide comprehensive services with the same expertise. For geo-targeted marketing, you need more than just advertising geniuses. It takes an understanding of internet technology and new platforms to make the most of your budget.

We launched GeoReach with the expertise of a team from a wide range of backgrounds. Our clients achieve their advertising goals because of our experience in advertising, internet technology, and digital marketing. As a smaller firm, we can deliver the same high-quality services as other companies, backed by our dedication to excellence and maximizing ROI for clients.

Choose marketers with native geo-targeted experience.

Established firms that offer geo-targeting marketing in addition to traditional services may not have team members with years of experience in the nuances of digital marketing.

A marketing company that exclusively works in hyperlocal marketing has specialized knowledge that traditional firms don’t, with services that deliver results using the latest internet technology.

GeoReach was founded as a geo-targeting marketing company in the tri-state area of Connecticut. Not only do our founders bring specialized experience, but they also stay at the forefront of local marketing strategies because it’s the only thing we do.

The ideal marketers offer diverse approaches to deliver results.

Some marketing companies that provide a wide range of more traditional marketing services only offer one form of geo-targeting. There are many ways to use local marketing. A dedicated digital marketing firm will find the unique techniques that work best for your brand, goals, and budget.

At GeoReach, we provide the expert use of a wide range of digital marketing services, including:

  • GeoFencing: take advantage of location-based marketing for mobile users, desktops, and tablets.
  • GeoTargeting: hone your marketing towards specific consumer criteria, including demographics, behaviors, interests, and location
  • Connected TV: bypass traditional cable television with targeted advertising that reaches the right audience at the right time, every time.
  • Over-the-Top Advertising: reach audiences directly without the constraint of pre-planned broadcast schedules and geographic limitations.

GeoReach harnesses the latest in local advertising technology to provide our clients with marketing that implements the best practices in geo-targeting marketing today.

They can offer new strategies and reframe your goals.

Part of hiring an outside firm for marketing is their ability to bring an outsider’s perspective to your goals. Particularly if your organization is new to geo-targeting their marketing in the tri-state area, you may not be developing plans that make the most of the technology.

Outsourcing your marketing to a hyperlocal digital marketing company lets you make the most of your advertising budget.

Schedule a call with GeoReach, to learn the benefits of geo-targeted marketing for your business in the tri-state area.

You have to work with an experienced marketing firm to access all the benefits of geo-targeting. When your team understands taking a nuanced approach to refining your ad reach, you can maximize the ROI for every dollar spent. The team at GeoReach comes from backgrounds in telecommunications, digital marketing, and internet technology, making us uniquely qualified to deliver results to our clients. Our creative approaches turn prospects into customers.

Contact GeoReach for a consultation and learn the nuances of geo-targeting your marketing strategy.

3 Ways OTT Advertising Helps Small Businesses
May 8, 2022 at 11:30 PM
Image of someone pointing at a computer, showing the ROI when you use OTT advertising in Bridgeport, CT.

As a small business, every dollar you put into your marketing budget matters. If it doesn’t provide a significant return on investment, then you need to change your strategy. Bringing a hyperlocal approach to advertising enables audience targeting to increase the conversion rate. Over-the-top or OTT advertising is one strategy small businesses can employ to reach their specific audience without the high costs of traditional television advertising.

What is OTT advertising?

Over-the-top advertising is streamed directly to consumers using internet-connected devices and televisions. You can bypass traditional network television to reach audiences uninhibited by conventional television providers.

Small businesses can reach their audiences directly, without being confined by network scheduling or geography, across services such as Amazon Prime, Hulu, and more. Forbes predicts that spending on OTT advertising will grow to over $14 billion in the next year.

How can OTT advertising help small businesses?

Instead of spending a lot of money on marketing that isn’t optimized for your audience, use over-the-top advertising for your small businesses and enjoy these benefits.

Increase brand awareness.

Not all of your marketing needs to focus on sales. Introducing yourself to your audience is essential for new or small businesses. OTT advertising allows small businesses to express authentic representations of their brand. Hyperlocal advertising is an ideal basis for forming emotional connections with future customers.

OTT marketing lets you tell your brand’s story––when an audience is already engaged with streaming content. You can introduce your brand through a strong, authentic narrative, whether you’re a new organization, recently rebranded, or want to expand your audience.

Expand your reach.

Geography doesn’t restrict OTT advertising, and businesses don’t have to choose between nationwide and local campaigns. OTT advertising offers an ideal solution for those without a brick-and-mortar location by allowing them to designate specific areas where they want to advertise. You can grow your audience a city or state at a time, expanding your brand’s reach without a substantial, wasteful ad spend.

Traditional television advertising comes with high costs, with your messaging reaching many people outside of your intended audience. OTT offers a different kind of marketing, providing the benefits of television advertising without the most significant downsides.

Target your audience.

With hyperlocal advertising, you can get extremely specific with your intended audience, selecting who sees your marketing by:

  • Demographics such as age, location, household income, education
  • The time at which they’re streaming
  • Location
  • Values
  • Buyer behavior

Consumers expect personalization as standard service; when you can target an audience as individuals, you’re better poised to make an emotional connection with them.

This kind of targeting maximizes your marketing budget by focusing on individuals in your desired audience.

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Combine traditional marketing with OTT and hyperlocal strategies.

You don’t have to choose between a traditional marketing strategy and a hyperlocal or OTT one. A skilled advertising firm will work with you to develop a custom strategy that optimizes your budget using several different services, including OTT and:

  • Connected TVs
  • GeoFencing
  • GeoTargeting
  • Email Marketing

A skilled digital marketing firm will get to know your business and your marketing goals and customize their strategy recommendations to meet them.

GeoReach works with small businesses in Bridgeport, CT, to provide OTT advertising.

GeoReach specializes in helping small businesses make the most of their advertising budget. You can maximize your ROI with a strategy customized to your business, industry, and goals. Our team brings backgrounds in telecommunications, internet technology, and digital marketing. Because of our diverse expertise and creative approaches, we can offer unparalleled strategies to our clients.

Contact GeoReach for a novel approach to your marketing, including OTT advertising in Bridgeport, CT.

A Beginner’s Guide to Geo-Targeted Advertising
April 22, 2022 at 11:30 PM
Image of a small business owner using geotargeting advertising in Bridgeport, CT.

The internet, smart devices, and geolocation have changed the way companies advertise. The days of swollen marketing budgets wasting money advertising to a broad audience with few prospects are over. Now, businesses can streamline their marketing strategy to target their audience and maximize the ROI. If you haven’t used geomarketing before, here’s a beginner’s guide to understanding how to use geo-targeting for advertising in Bridgeport, Connecticut.

What is geo-targeted advertising?

What sets geo-targeted advertising apart from traditional marketing is the incorporation of geographic location into the strategy. An audience’s location affects whether or not they see messages from a business. Geomarketing uses location-based technology to reach prospects at the most opportune moment to become customers.

Because businesses can specify their audience based on location, they avoid wasting parts of their budget by putting their message in front of people who aren’t local.

Common types of location-based marketing

There are several different types of location-based advertising. Most businesses incorporate several into their marketing strategy to reach prospects in various ways.

  • GeoFencing: restricts messaging to mobiles users, tablets, and computers within a set radius of a central location.
  • Geo-Targeting: hone in on specific criteria for your audience, including demographics, location, and interests.
  • Connected TV: reach customers who watch primarily streaming services
  • OTT: over-the-top advertising that bypasses traditional tv providers to deliver messaging right to consumers.

An advertising firm that’s adept at using geomarketing strategies can optimize your budget with the services that make the most sense for your business and your budget.

Benefits of geo-targeted advertising

When you establish your marketing budget for the quarter, you may wonder how geo-targeted advertising can benefit your business. One of the biggest wastes in any marketing budget is messaging outside your desired audience. The most substantial benefit of geo-targeting advertising is streamlining your marketing strategy.

Improve local SERP ranking

Two factors search engines consider when ranking local businesses are relevance and timeliness. When you use geo-targeted advertising, your marketing remains evergreen and relevant to current searches. Staying at the top of the results page has a significant impact on transforming prospects into customers. While your business may not rank nationally in the top five results, you’ll be first for your local audience.

Get improved data about prospects and customers

Understanding audience behavior helps you get even more specific with your advertising to improve your advertising ROI. The data you get from geo-targeting includes:

  • Peak times customers visit your store
  • Message effectiveness
  • Customer stay durations
  • When customers are near your business

By combining the data from geomarketing with your Google Analytics, you get quantitative data about your customers.


Tailor offers and deals to specific audiences

The more information you have about your prospects, the better you can customize your messaging, offers, and even products to your audience and their shopping behavior.

Instead of paying for instant feedback surveys in addition to marketing, you can use the information from your geo-targeted advertising for unparalleled insight into your prospects.

Cost-effective marketing strategies

Advertising to too broad of an audience is one of the major factors that can drag down your ROI. Geo-targeting advertising generates cost-effective marketing strategies. Advertisers can select specific demographics, behaviors and interests, and even locations.

GeoReach provides advanced geo-targeted advertising solutions in Bridgeport, Connecticut.

The GeoReach team brings together diverse backgrounds in telecommunications, internet technology, and digital marketing. We provide informed insights to our clients and marketing strategies that deliver ROI. By combining advanced technology with proven advertising techniques, we get our clients in front of the ideal audience for turning prospects into customers. You don’t have to struggle to create results from location-based marketing on your own. Partner with GeoReach to make the most of your advertising budget with quarterly growth.

Schedule a call with GeoReach to learn how geo-targeted advertising solutions can work for your business.

Our expert guide to successful hyperlocal SEO
March 15, 2022 at 7:00 AM
Our expert guide to successful hyperlocal SEO

Small business owners and their marketing managers hear all the time about how important it is to have a good local SEO strategy, which is true. Every business that has a website needs to have a plan for optimizing their website for local search, or they won’t be able to stand out from any other website on the internet. Additionally, some SEO strategies need to include a component of hyperlocal SEO. At GeoReach, we understand that not every business needs a hyperlocal SEO strategy, but it’s incredibly helpful for many. Read our expert guide below to learn more about how your business can benefit and what it takes to be successful.

What is hyperlocal SEO?

Hyperlocal SEO takes local SEO strategies and brings them into an even smaller geographic area. Local SEO will target a city, county, or large geographic area. In contrast, hyperlocal SEO focuses on a small area like a neighborhood, district of a city, or zip code. The target audience of hyperlocal SEO is typically people who are on their mobile devices looking for a business in a specific part of town. For example, every restaurant should have a hyperlocal strategy.

Read more of our guide to find out what you need to know about hyperlocal SEO techniques.

Do hyperlocal keyword research.

Keyword research is the backbone of SEO strategy. You can use keyword planner tools to find out what your customers are searching for in your area. These tools can be used to make your search as small or wide as you’d like, geographically speaking. Research keywords that fit your part of town or a landmark in the area, so you have search terms your customers are using when looking for businesses like yours. For instance, if you’re a burger joint located in the downtown area of Bridgeport, CT, you’ll want to include “cheesburger downtown” because that’s more specific than the “cheeseburger Bridgeport”.

Build a mobile-friendly website.

Hyperlocal SEO is a great way to attract mobile users to your business. Optimizing your website for mobile will help to improve search results when customers are looking for you when they’re on the road. Not only have search engines started indexing the mobile version of websites before the desktop version, but it’s also what your customers are more likely to see when they search for you.

Build a contact page.

One of the most important pages on your website to help with hyperlocal SEO is your contact page. Include elements like your phone number, address, business hours, and a map to help with your local SEO. A map is a great way to let search engines know exactly where you’re located, including your cross streets and the area of town where you’re located.

Make sure your Schema markup is accurate.

Schema markup is code that’s added to the HTML of your website. The code is microdata that’s designed to help put more local information about your website in search engine indexes. Local businesses like those who work in the service industry, restaurants, retailers, and others can easily provide more information in search engine results pages (SERPs) than those who don’t have schema markup.

Schedule a call to get started.

Get in touch with our team at GeoReach to get started on your hyperlocal SEO strategy. We can help to implement our techniques to improve your search engine results within the area you’re located. Reach out by calling 203-816-1574 or sending a message using our online contact form. If you’d prefer, send an email directly to We look forward to working with you and helping you create a strong and effective digital marketing strategy.

5 reasons to get OTT marketing strategies from a local company in Connecticut
February 11, 2022 at 7:00 AM
5 reasons to get OTT marketing strategies from a local company in Connecticut

The advertising world has changed significantly over the last decade. The introduction of streaming with mainstream platforms like ESPN and Netflix on devices like the Roku Stick, AppleTV, video game consoles, and more has changed how society watches TV. While cable and satellite providers continue to provide viewers with a traditional television experience, many customers are cutting the cord and switching to streaming platforms.

Companies have had to pivot to OTT marketing strategies in Connecticut to ensure that they keep their brand in front of customers. With help from GeoReach, you can put together a winning OTT strategy to adjust with changing times. If you’re not sure why you should work with a local company for OTT strategy, we have five great reasons you should.

Understands local demographics

As a company that’s staffed and works in your local market, we understand your demographics. We’re often part of the population of people you’re trying to reach with your advertisements. Living in your local market gives us an advantage over other agencies that might operate out of an office in South Florida or even Arizona. We can provide unique insight into some of the most popular devices your target audience is using as well as some of their specific viewing habits.

Know the personas in your area

One thing that’s important to understand with OTT marketing is that there are considered to be five types of people, or personas, who view video content. They are:

Mobile-first viewers: Users who watch videos on social media and streaming services on their mobile devices.

  • Power streamers: Users who primarily view content on streaming services.
  • Highly subscribed: Users who pay for streaming services in addition to cable or satellite TV services.
  • Hybrid adopters: Users similar to highly subscribed users but don’t pay as much for streaming services.
  • Linear TV consumers: Customers who stick to TV services over streaming.

Your local marketing agency will understand how to approach each persona as well as how they fit into your overall approach to OTT marketing.

Know when to run ads

Everybody who watches TV or streams their content has a typical time they turn on their programming. Whether it’s somebody who sits down after work to watch a sporting event each day or another who binge-watches on streaming services late into the night, everybody has their tendencies. What’s more, the people who fit into each group tend to be similar in more ways than one. Your marketing agency will help you evaluate your target demographic to reach them when their watch time is at its peak.

Save on ad costs

By working with a local marketing agency, you can save money on the OTT ads you use. Rather than using a shotgun approach and putting your ads out to as many people as possible, you can run targeted ads that reach only your audience. This approach will save you money on your marketing campaigns as you’re not increasing your budget to accommodate for large geographic regions and generalized ad run times. Understanding your target demographic will narrow the amount of time your ads are run, so they’re not running during peak times that cost more per impression.

Personalize your message

As you work to reach your audience, there’s a specific tone or message you want to convey to your customers. For instance, speaking to customers in the Northeast won’t be nearly as appealing if you address them like they live in the South. Not only is this annoying, but it can feel disingenuous. You can effectively personalize your message toward customers without sounding like you’re trying too hard.

Schedule a call for more

You can learn more about OTT marketing strategies in Connecticut by getting in touch with us at GeoReach. We’ll help you build your OTT strategy in a way that will effectively reach your target audience. Schedule your call by sending a message via our online contact form today. You can also call our office at 203-816-1574 for more information.

6 CT internet marketing tips for local businesses
January 10, 2022 at 7:00 AM
6 CT internet marketing tips for local businesses

It’s easy to overlook the benefits of digital marketing when you run a local business. You might feel like spending your budget on traditional marketing strategies is the best way to appeal to the customers in your area. However, it’s crucial that you remember we live in a digital world, even for local businesses. It’s becoming increasingly important that you focus on your CT internet marketing for your local business than other avenues. With help from GeoReach, you can get assistance with your digital marketing strategies. If you’re having trouble getting started, we have a few tips to help.

Improve local SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential to ensuring that your website is found on search engines. SEO works by putting specific keywords in appropriate places on your website to indicate to search engines that it’s something your business is all about. For instance, a company that does screen printing for t-shirts would want “screen printing” peppered throughout their website with other terms associated with that service. This way, when customers search for “screen printing” in their city, the website shows up. You can do this with any business, products, and services your business provides.

SEO involves much more than simply plugging keywords into your website. You can learn more about what else goes into SEO below.

Establish and build a Google My Business listing

Google is the most commonly used search engine in the world. Others come and go, but Google currently has the strongest hold on the masses. You can ensure you’re doing the right things to improve your website’s SEO by setting up a Google My Business listing. Your GMB listing helps Google curate an accurate depiction of an area on its maps, so the search engine will reward your business for having a GMB listing if one of your competitors doesn’t. A GMB listing is also the best way to get your online listing into the local search results section of a search results page.

Encourage customers to leave reviews

Search engines give preferential treatment to companies and websites that provide useful information and are reliable sources. You can show search engines that you’re trustworthy by gathering customer reviews. It can be awkward asking customers to leave a review for you if they had a good experience, but many understand the benefits your company gets from reviews, so they’re willing to do it.

Create interesting content

Good, useful content is one of the best ways to drive traffic to your website. It also shows search engines that you have a website that’s continually in use and provides added SEO value. Some ways you can make content for your website include writing blogs and producing short videos about your company, products, and services. You can always repurpose content from one medium to the other, so you’re not trying to come up with different topics all the time.

Build a good website

We understand “good” is a relative term, but your website says a lot about how credible you are as a business. Many customers will click away if they feel that your website is going to be difficult to navigate. Furthermore, it’s not uncommon for scam websites to be put together quickly using cheap and outdated tools. If you haven’t made any changes to your website since 2002, it’s time to upgrade because you could be costing yourself local search traffic.

Build a social media presence

Most small businesses don’t have the time to build a strong social media following across three, four, or five social media platforms. They do, however, have time to build a following across one or two platforms, especially if they’re working with Facebook and Instagram. Choose one or two platforms that work for you and put effort into growing your following. Trying to work with three or more gets to be too time-consuming, and you won’t put in the amount of effort you need to build each.

Schedule a call for more

If you’d like more CT internet marketing tips for local businesses, get in touch with us at GeoReach. We’re experts at improving your local digital marketing efforts and would love to help your company. Schedule a call with our team by calling 203-816-1574 or sending an email using our contact form.

Connected TV solutions and other lesser-known marketing services worth exploring
December 21, 2021 at 4:00 PM
Person&#x27;s hand pictured holding a smart TV controller

Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Social Media Marketing. Content Marketing. PPC Advertising. These are the four main pillars of digital marketing. Most businesses are so focused on these services that they often forget that other forms of marketing exist. What’s more, they are as effective as the famous marketing services listed above.

At GeoReach, we aim to bridge the gaps in marketing so our clients have access to more robust strategies. We offer unique marketing services that you won’t find in other marketing agencies. More importantly, our creative marketing strategies help us produce high-quality results for your business.

With that in mind, here are four lesser-known marketing services that you should definitely look to capitalize on for improved results.

1. Connected TV Solutions

Do you use an internet-connected TV or device to access streaming content outside of regular cable-provider offerings? What about YouTube? Do you remember those ads that pop out before, during, and after the video? That’s a unique type of marketing known as connected TV (CTV) advertising.


According to recent research, around 80% of U.S. households own a smart tv. That's a potentially huge audience base that you can target for your business. CTV advertising is highly targeted. Ads here don’t appear randomly like when you switch to cable TV. Instead, the ads are targeted based on the users’ viewing preferences. For example, a student who watches educational videos on Youtube will most likely see ads from Grammarly, LinkedIn, Coursehero, Skillshare, and others.

2. Geofencing

Geofencing is a special type of location-based marketing that targets users in a specific area. When we say “specific area,” we’re not referring to actual locations like cities or counties. In geofencing, we create “virtual fences” around an area. We use these fences to target consumers within the area or those going inside the area.

Hence, geofencing doesn’t necessarily mean we should comply with city boundaries or streets. For example, a lifestyle shop inside a mall can create virtual fences for the whole mall. Whenever people enter the mall, they will receive a message for discounts, rebates, or other promos.

3. Geotargeting

How is this different from geofencing? That’s probably the question that first came to mind. In geotargeting, we’re not creating virtual fences. However, geotargeting works hand-in-hand with geofencing to accurately target customers. When we geotarget, we’re talking about pre-defined geographic locations like cities, neighborhoods, business districts, counties, etc.

For example, let’s say it’s graduation season at Harvard University, and you run a hotel business. Our geotarget is Harvard in Cambridge since we’re expecting families flying from all over the world for the graduation. We use geofencing to target customers within the area you expect them to be, and then send them ads or messages for hotel room discounts and promos.

4. OTT Advertising

Do you watch cable TV shows on the internet? Have you noticed ads appear? Those ads are a product of OTT or over-the-top advertising. OTT ads are present when viewers watch TV shows through online streaming. Using OTT advertising can bypass consumers who want to skip traditional TV ads and commercials.

Take advantage of these unique marketing services with GeoReach

GeoReach can help you study your target market and develop a marketing strategy that brings value to your brand. We spend hours knowing and understanding our clients, their goals, and capabilities to create unique marketing campaigns that set them apart from competitors.

Call us now at (203) 816-1547 or schedule a call by filling out this contact form. We offer our services to businesses in Bridgeport, New Haven County, Fairfield County, and the greater Connecticut area.

What is geofencing, and how can it help my small business?
December 3, 2021 at 7:00 AM
What is geofencing, and how can it help my small business?

Small businesses are often limited in their marketing efforts by their budget, which means that it’s essential to get the most bang for your buck. Implementing geofencing is a great way to ensure that you’re reaching your target audience without spending an outrageous amount of money on marketing. If you’re not familiar with these digital marketing techniques, our team at GeoReach can answer “What is geofencing?” and other questions about how it can help your small business.

What is geofencing?

Geofencing is a digital marketing technique where you “draw” a virtual border around a specific geographic area you want to target. You won’t show your paid ads to people outside of that area, so you’re not wasting money on people who aren’t considered part of your audience. Your marketing efforts will be much more efficient and effective.

How can geofencing help my small business?

Geofencing is a way that you can run cost-effective marketing campaigns. Keep in mind that as you run search engine and social media ad campaigns, you will be charged based on impressions and interactions. You can reach your ideal audience without burning your entire marketing budget on a single campaign. Running geofencing campaigns is excellent for small businesses in a variety of ways. Continue reading to learn more.

Hyper-focused targeting

It’s not unusual for small businesses to try to stick to providing their products or services to customers within a specific city or region. Geofencing makes running ads in this area easy without spending money on impressions or clicks from users outside of this area. Your ad campaigns become hyper-focused on this area as users search for terms related to your business.

Beyond targeting a preferred city, county, or zip code, you can also target specific neighborhoods. You can customize your geofencing campaigns to any area that you choose based on your needs.

Regional marketing

Most small businesses don’t try to appeal to a national audience. They’re working with a small geographic area that has a specific demographic. It’s not uncommon to try to appeal directly to audiences in specific areas by using personal ads. You can do this with geofencing as you won’t run your ads outside of the specified area, which makes for more effective marketing in your area.

Reaching your target audience

Every business has a target audience. There are people in an area who you want to reach and appeal to as a way to drive business. You can use geofencing as a way to ensure that your ads reach them without getting watered down in areas outside of your area. You won’t waste money on those who are outside of your target audience and click your ad on Google or Facebook.

Provide appropriate content for the area

It’s often easy to tell when businesses run ad campaigns used for a widespread audience. While these campaigns can be effective, they don’t have the same impact as content that is catered to a specific area. You can promote blog content and ads that are specific to a region within your market as a way to appeal to your preferred customer base.

Schedule a call for more

You can get answers to, “What is geofencing and how can it help my small business?” by getting in touch with our team at GeoReach. We’re experts in local digital marketing campaigns and can help your small business put together targeted advertising to grow your business. Give us a call today at 203-816-1574, or send a message using our contact form to get started.

How geotargeted marketing can improve your conversion rates
November 17, 2021 at 4:00 PM
Laptop showing marketing figures and results

Every online user landing on your website or interacting with your ads is unique in terms of culture, traditions, upbringing, buying behavior, and many other different factors. As such, your website and ads must respond to the user’s immediate needs and what’s happening around them.

That’s where geotargeted marketing comes in. This marketing strategy can help your website accommodate the needs of your visitors. Used properly, it can translate your marketing goals in a way that a culturally-diverse audience will easily understand and appreciate. In turn, this can increase conversion rates and improve your overall marketing efforts across the board.

At GeoReach, we utilize geotargeted marketing, geofencing, and other super creative marketing strategies to deliver tangible results for our clients. Let’s walk you through what you need to know about geotargeted marketing and how it can work for your business.

What is geotargeted marketing?

Geotargeted marketing (also called geo-marketing) leverages location-based cues and highly targeted information for crafting marketing strategies and campaigns. These valuable pieces of information are pulled from internet searches and social media.

In geo-marketing, factors like the weather, economy, political landscape, culture, traditions, and many more are considered to make marketing campaigns as targeted as possible.

This allows you to introduce your brand to your target market in a way that they can easily relate to, which in turn, prompts engagement and improves the chances of conversion. It’s also a great way to market your business to other people without disrespecting their beliefs and culture.

3 methods for increasing conversion rates with geotargeted marketing

1. Use weather-related promotions

Weather influences consumer behavior and buying decisions. For example, hot weather calls for cool refreshments like soda, iced drinks, and cold foods. You can also expect people to buy looser clothing like tank tops or shorts during this period. Additionally, air conditioning costs will go up as people would want to stay cool indoors.

Hence, air conditioners, cold drinks, and loose-fitting clothing sales tend to increase during hot weather. There are a lot of ways how weather can influence a consumer’s decisions. How do you think the weather affects your business?

2. Leverage language

English is a global language, yet not all people are fluent or proficient in understanding, reading, and speaking it.

In the 2021 English Proficiency Index, 27 countries are moderately proficient, 18 are highly proficient, and 13 are very highly proficient. The rest are below moderate proficiency.

By providing different language options on your website, you can talk to customers who are not proficient in English.

For example, you could compare the conversion rate of Hong Kong nationals visiting the English and Chinese-translated website. If Hongkongese people prefer reading in their mother tongue, you should continue using Cantonese in ads and posts.

3. Use geographical or cultural promotions

Geography and culture are almost always intertwined. Festivals, celebrations, and religious beliefs come into play as well. With geo-marketing, you can put ads that are acceptable to the people seeing them.

For example, countries with strong Catholic influence like France, Brazil, and the Philippines celebrate Lent. During this event, the church encourages believers to abstain from eating meat during all Fridays of Lent.

Thanks to geotargeted marketing, restaurants and fast-food chains can switch up their marketing messages to focus more on fish-based dishes and snacks during these religious observations.

Drive up your conversions with geotargeted marketing from GeoReach

At GeoReach, we can help you study your target audience and market your brand in a way that makes the most sense to them. We spend hours knowing our clients’ strengths and use this information to craft unique stories that set them apart from the competition.

Let us drive up your conversion rates with our specialized geotargeted marketing strategies today. Schedule your consultation by calling (203) 816-1574 or by filling out our contact form. We cater to local businesses in Bridgeport, New Haven County, Fairfield County, and the greater Connecticut area.

Top Benefit Examples of Retail Geofencing
September 21, 2021 at 9:30 PM
Image of a neon-lit city street surrounded by building showing geotargeted retail examples of advertising can reach visitors in a mall with targeted advertising.

As technology advances, so do opportunities for reaching potential customers. Online advertising doesn’t always seem beneficial when you operate a brick-and-mortar retail establishment. Hyperlocal geofencing allows you to reach potential customers through their devices to achieve a variety of goals. New businesses can spread brand awareness to people who live and work in the neighborhood. Established brands can connect with untapped markets to grow their audience. With hyperlocal advertising, it’s even possible to reach customers while they’re shopping at your competitors, ensuring they see your advertising before they commit to a purchase. Here are more examples of retail geofencing benefits to transform your next advertising campaign.

Improve your return on ad spend.

Geofencing is all about targeted ads. You’re able to reach people who are close by and likely to shop at your store. Traditional ad campaigns that reach a broad audience are essentially wasted on people who don’t live, work, or shop in your area.

With retail geofencing, you’re reaching customers more likely to shop in your store, improving your ROAS.

IPhone Mockup

Learn more about the shopping habits of your customers.

While it’s not the most glamorous part of owning a small business, getting data about your customer’s shopping habits can improve your business in multiple ways. You can better understand the peak shopping hours in your area and staff accordingly. Plus, you’ll get a feel for advertising that gets a better response during different times of the month or year. And you’ll gain insight into when customers spend versus opportune times to hold sales.

Reach customers who opt-out of tracking with target ads.

Apple’s latest update allows users to opt-out of tracking by apps. As digital privacy becomes a more significant concern, retail geofencing is an example of reaching potential customers without relying on unique user data. Instead, contextual targeting allows you to advertise to your ideal audience using their approximate location. Your advertising budget still goes further, regardless of the settings on your customer’s devices.

Retail geofencing is an example of adapting to changing user preferences while staying competitive.

Personalize your shopping experiences to build brand loyalty.

Everyone is looking for a more personalized shopping experience from brick-and-mortar retail locations. Knowing where your ads will appear to customers enables you to tailor your messaging––and branding––to the customers, you’ll reach. One of the biggest downsides of traditional ad campaigns is the expense of showing ads to people who aren’t receptive.

Hyperlocal advertising lets you develop precision campaigns with a specific market in mind. Understanding your customers also enables you to curate their experience in your retail establishment to create lasting brand loyalty.

Gain an edge over the competition.

By using hyperlocal marketing, it’s possible to reach potential customers even when they’re shopping at your competitors. You can target nearby establishments to ensure customers see your promotions, sales, and offerings before purchasing from your competitors.

Geotargeted retail marketing exemplifies how making your next ad campaign smaller can improve your ROAS, customize shopping experiences, and help your retail store thrive in an e-commerce world.

Work with GeoReach to incorporate these geofencing examples for retail into your next ad campaign.

Our team comes from diverse backgrounds in telecommunications, internet technology, and digital marketing. This expertise combined enables us to provide competitive, insightful, targeted marketing that delivers an exceptional return on investment to our customers. We use a data-driven approach to helping our customers achieve their goals, whether improved brand recognition, loyalty, conversions, or sales.

This post highlights just a few of the examples of retail geofencing benefits. When you schedule a consultation, our experts will discuss how hyperlocal marketing can benefit your retail brand in particular. You can get more from your marketing when you work with GeoReach.

What is Hyperlocal Marketing and How Does it Attract Customers?
August 25, 2021 at 11:00 PM

Before, online searches were popular for buying items we couldn’t find nearby. But now — well, nearly everyone heads to Google first, even if they’ll end up buying from a store just blocks away.

Hyperlocal marketing aims to capture these local searchers and convert them into foot traffic. It’s precisely what we do for all kinds of small businesses throughout Connecticut. It’s a tool that can certainly help your business drive more customers through the door.

And, now, we’re going to introduce you to how it works.

Rundown of hyperlocal marketing

Hyperlocal marketing refers to targeting your paid and organic marketing efforts to a highly specific geography, typically just a few blocks or streets. This approach means:

  • You don’t waste your budget on unqualified prospects
  • You promote your business to people within convenient walking or driving distance
  • You can target areas with high demand
  • You can localize marketing campaigns for each area you serve to boost performance
  • Your business is visible to prospects with high purchase intent

Additionally, because the eventual customers are nearby and face minimal barriers in making further purchases, they may have a high lifetime value.

Geofencing and geo-targeting both contribute to the precise targeting’s effectiveness, which we’ve covered in more detail. In essence, they pinpoint the campaign to your specific geography and restrict it to the area.

Hyperlocal marketing channels

Most channels used for national or broadly targeted marketing campaigns can scale down for hyperlocal marketing. Here are some that your business can use.

Hyperlocal SEO

When your website is visible to potential customers within the locale, there’s a higher chance that they’ll discover your business.

One critical advantage of local SEO is that you don’t have to keep investing large amounts to get results. Of course, you’ll have to maintain a continually optimized website. But the costs end up far lower than those of running non-stop paid media ads. And you’ll see returns for longer.

Email marketing

Not all prospects go on to be customers after one interaction with your brand. More touchpoints are often necessary. And email is ideal, since it’s a free and personal way to nurture customer relationships.

Some prospects may have gone on to patronize a competitor after, say, an initial Google search. If they interact with your business enough for you to capture their details and add them to your list, you can demonstrate higher value in your communications.

And, best of all, email marketing is cost-effective while offering a high ROI. Research from Litmus shows for every $1 a competent email marketing team invests, they can expect $42 in return.

Connected TV

PwC’s Entertainment and Media Outlook reveals that, following a doubling of the figure in 2020, nearly 32% of American households use ad-supported video-on-demand services.

Undoubtedly, some of those viewers are near your business. Connected TV and OTT ads also offer extensive tracking for weighing performance and iterating.

Plus, Connected TV advertising is generally less intrusive and better received than traditional TV ads. The just-mentioned PwC report also reveals that OTT advertising revenue was up an impressive 26.2% in 2020.

Tap GeoReach for your business’ fruitful entry into hyperlocal marketing

At GeoReach, we leverage digital marketing to help businesses reach their closeby target audience and bring them to your doorstep. If your new-found appreciation for hyperlocal marketing is turning into a desire to see its potential for your business, reach out. Our team would be excited to discuss the value you can bring to your business with this approach — in light of your specific situation.

Set up a consultation with us today and we’ll discuss how to make hyperlocal marketing the next pillar supporting your business’ success.

What is geofencing marketing vs. geotargeting?
August 15, 2021 at 7:00 AM
What is geofencing marketing vs. geotargeting?

The digital marketing world has a lot of technical terms that you’re probably not familiar with if you’re not involved in it every day. Words and acronyms like SEO, SEM, geofencing, PPC, alt tags, and many others. The list could go on for a very long time. Fortunately for you, GeoReach is here to be your guide as we teach you about these terms, what they mean, and how they affect your marketing strategy. Read our short guide below where we answer the questions, what is geofencing and how is it different from geotargeting.

What is geofencing?

The main difference between geofencing and geotargeting is how specific you want your marketing campaign or a specific ad to be. Geofencing is a broader approach as it involves drawing an imaginary border around a specific area and presenting your ad to everyone in the area. An example of this could be a food truck. The owner of a food truck could be in a certain location for one night only and to maximize ROI with advertising money, they might want to limit their reach to a 10-block radius around the location for two or three days before. This is both cost-effective and targeted. The food truck can attract customers from a nearby area without spending the extra money it might cost to expand across the population.

What is geotargeting?

Geotargeting is a more exact approach than geofencing. Let’s go back to the food truck example and say this specific food truck specializes in vegan tacos. These tacos aren’t for everyone and the owner knows that. Rather than creating an ad that they want to run across the entire 10-block radius, they can target people who interact with vegan Instagram posts, look up vegan recipes on Pinterest, and share material about a vegan diet on Facebook. This is the demographic that wants to be targeted and geotargeting will do that.

What are the pros of each?

Each method is going to have its pros and cons and they’re typically going to be based on the goals you’re trying to reach during your campaign. With geofencing, it’s important to remember that you’re able to advertise to anyone with a mobile device or PC within the area where you’ve drawn your digital fence. This can make for much greater brand awareness and get more eyes on your company. If you feel that you can appeal to a wide range of customers, this will often be your best bet.

In contrast, geotargeting allows for a much more direct method of advertising. You can be more efficient with your advertising and get it in front of those you believe fit your customer's base mold. Whether it’s a specific income bracket you’re looking to draw the attention of or simply people who like to share cat memes, geotargeting will make that possible.

Schedule a call

To learn more about the specifics of what geofencing is and how your business can benefit from it, schedule a call with our team of experts. At GeoReach, we can provide you with location-based digital marketing solutions that will get your business reaching your target audience and growing your online presence. You can either give us a call at 203-816-1574 or send a message using our contact form. We would love to hear from you and present you with solutions to your digital marketing needs.

Beginner's Guide to the OTT Marketing Strategy
July 13, 2021 at 4:00 AM
An OTT marketing strategy can help grow your brand.

As the world continues to grow increasingly digital and new mediums are created regularly, businesses throughout the Tri-State area now have a variety of new options available for them to market directly to consumers. One that has surged in popularity recently is OTT marketing strategies.

It's an incredibly effective means to target your ideal demographic, but since it's so new, many advertisers don't understand the true potential it provides. This helpful guide will educate you on this emerging trend and show you how it can benefit your business.

What is an OTT marketing strategy?

To understand how OTT marketing strategies can bolster your advertising efforts, you'll first need to understand how this service works. OTT, or Over The Top, refers to streaming services that deliver audio or video-based content over the internet. Today's most recognizable OTT platforms include well-known companies like Netflix, YouTube, Spotify, Amazon Music and Video, Vimeo, and Pandora.

OTT marketing gives businesses the ability to advertise directly to the users of platforms like these. Many OTT platforms offer their services for free with the caveat that you'll have to watch a short advertisement before streaming your content, but users can remove the advertisements for a fee. Advertisers can reach the free users regardless of their location and use detailed data to target particular demographics without being beholden to more traditional TV providers that used to have all control over ad placement.

What are the benefits of an OTT marketing strategy?

Advanced targeting methods.

One of the most significant perks of OTT marketing strategies is how deeply you can drill down to find your ideal target audience. With more traditional broadcast advertising, you could choose a certain channel and time of day depending on your demographic, but even then, you wouldn't know if someone is changing channels during the break or fast-forwarding on their DVR.

OTT marketing allows you to choose an advertising space based on what the viewer is watching, when they're watching it, what device it's on, and countless other data points. This ensures your messaging is being seen or heard by the right people.

Create a more enjoyable user experience.

Whether it's going with shock value, humor, or creating campaigns that develop over a long time, keeping the audience's attention has always been a priority for marketers. To ensure your messaging is well-received, you first have to make sure it's being fully seen or heard. OTT marketing helps make that easier to accomplish.

Rather than being hit with long commercial breaks that prompt television viewers and radio listeners to switch channels, OTT marketing is delivered in short 1 to 2 ad bursts. The ad is often accompanied by a timer that shows the view just how long the ad will be, so they're less likely to disengage. Many platforms even allow users to choose which content they'd rather be delivered, so the experience is customized to their wants.

Increase immediate engagement.

A common problem with more traditional advertising methods is that a consumer will see or hear an ad, have to remember the phone number or website, then either call or visit online. This isn't always an immediately available option, and it's not uncommon for the viewer to simply forget the ad as they go about their day.

OTT marketing addresses this concern by adding clickable CTAs right on the ad in many cases. So as they are watching the advertisement before they can stream their content, they can simply click the link and be taken directly to the related landing page.

Take advantage of new OTT marketing strategies.

If you're ready to take advantage of this revolutionary marketing tool but aren't sure how to get started, then contact our team of experts at GeoReach. We specialize in location-based marketing solutions to create targeted campaigns that generate exceptional ROI for our clients. Learn more about the services we offer, or contact us online to schedule your initial consultation.

5 facts about GeoReach’s hyper-local marketing strategies
July 1, 2021 at 7:00 AM
5 facts about GeoReach’s hyper-local marketing strategies

We all see grandiose advertising campaigns every day. From billboards to highly produced TV commercials, it’s all right in our faces all the time. If you’re trying to grow a small, local business, it’s easy for your eyes to get big and want to advertise on that same scale. However, jumbo-sized marketing campaigns aren’t what will effectively grow your business. Instead, you need hyper-local marketing strategies that are designed to grab the attention of your immediate customers and target demographic. At GeoReach, this is what we do. Keep reading for five facts about the services and how we can help your business.

GeoFencing targets a specific area

If you’re looking to sell products or provide services to customers in a specific area, GeoFencing is what you want. With our GeoFencing services, we’ll draw a virtual line around a specific area where you want to attract customers. This is done by identifying a specific city, zip code, or county that you serve with search engines and websites. This makes it easier to limit advertising impressions to those who you’re specifically looking to appeal to as well as providing immediate feedback for those searching for businesses like yours.

GeoTargeting hones your demographic

Similar to GeoFencing, GeoTargeting is designed to narrow optimize your digital marketing efforts to those whom you’re looking to sell. However, GeoTargeting narrows your market even more by honing in on specific demographics. This can include age, income, education, and even search habits. GeoTargeting helps to maximize efficiency with your marketing efforts and budget so you increase the number of leads for every dollar you spend.

Connected TV goes beyond cable

A connected TV (CTV) is a TV or device that’s connected to the internet and use to stream any kind of content. This includes YouTube and services like Hulu, Peacock, and others that run advertisements to help subsidize the costs of the platform. You can run GeoTargeted ads with streaming services to reach those in your region who use them. This is how you get ads for your local plumber when watching a nationally broadcasted show.

OTT advertising means freedom for you

Beyond advertising on YouTube and streaming services, you can get your ads in front of your target demographic on video game platforms, websites, and even mobile apps with OTT (over-the-top) advertising. Similar to subsidizing the costs of streaming services, many mobile apps are available for free to the user by accepting advertisements. It’s become an accepted part of using free apps and games that ads will appear within the user interface, so you don’t have to worry about your ad creating a negative option for your business.

Email marketing still works

Many of us get hundreds of emails every day. While most of these emails end up in our spam folder, there are some that come through that will catch our attention with useful information or deals for real products we can use. Although it can easily get lost in a cluttered inbox, email marketing still has a large impact on customers and the buying decisions that they make on a daily basis. You can get your business directly into the hands of your customer and drive more sales with effective email marketing campaigns.

Schedule a call

If you’d like to learn more about how hyper-local marketing strategies with GeoReach can benefit your company, schedule a call with our team today. You can send us an email directly at or send a message using our online contact form. If you’d prefer, call us directly at 203-816-1574. We proudly serve businesses in Connecticut looking to reach their targeted buying audience.

GeoReach’s guide: Answering FAQs about GeoFencing marketing
June 8, 2021 at 7:00 AM
A pair of round-rimmed glasses on a notepad in front of a keyboard, with a blurred pen and mouse in the background. GeoFencing marketing turn every small business&#x27; size into an advantage.

As a business, adapting to technological advancements is essential. Failing to integrate innovations is nothing short of a death sentence. If you’re a small business interested in integrating the latest, cutting-edge advertising practices, GeoFencing marketing is crucial. However, it can be daunting to understand these advancements. Luckily, with GeoReach, you’re in expert hands. We marry creativity, tailored solutions, and unrivaled experience to create campaigns that enable small businesses to compete and succeed well above their weight class.

Here are 3 FAQs about GeoFencing:

What is GeoFencing?

For the uninitiated, GeoFencing marketing is a foreign, abstract concept. However, implementing it effectively requires understanding precisely what it is.

GeoFencing advertising provides an effective, efficient way to target consumers on a hyper-specific local level. As a small business, you simply don’t have the reach of bigger companies. GeoFencing compensates for that by supplying you with the Midas Touch.

GeoFencing increases brand awareness and conversions in your area or a virtual perimeter using GPS technology. When it’s detected that a mobile device has entered your ‘virtual fence,’ this technology automatically starts displaying ads directly to that phone.

By using software and communicating with location-based services, GeoFencing is a unique opportunity to level the playing field. At GeoReach, we help small businesses pack a big punch.

What are the best uses of GeoFencing marketing?

GeoFencing advertising has a broad range of applications:

Custom advertising

With access to precisely where your customers are, where they’re going to be, and other analytics, GeoFencing enables you to create custom, tailored messaging for each specific user.

Supplementing traditional approaches

As an ancillary resource, GeoFencing is a prime strategy to supplement your traditional reach.

Competitive conquering

Another excellent aspect of GeoFencing marketing, competitive conquering enables you to advertise near a competitor’s location. Advertising on their turf can be incredibly effective.

Imagine there’s a long wait-time at a competitor’s store. Using GeoFencing, you can advertise directly to the people waiting that you offer shorter wait times and superior service.

Location and relevancy

GeoFencing enables you to employ high-impact advertising in real-time. Suppose someone is riding a bus and analytics suggests they’d be interested in your service.

You can, in turn, market your service directly to them and let them know it’s a short trek away. It may not generate conversions instantly, there’s a high probability they’ll return to do business.

Ultimately, your goal should be to get the right information in front of a primed audience at the most opportune time. At GeoReach, we turn every moment into an opportunity.

How big should my targeting radius be?

When considering GeoFencing marketing, remember these strategies and approaches are unique to each business and its respective circumstances.

Firstly, as a general rule, you can GeoFence any location. You can also make your target radius as big or small as you want. For example, you can target a specific street or address, or you can target an entire zip code. It’s advisable to establish parameters that aren’t too big or too small.

If it’s too small, not enough people will enter the GeoFence for you to target. If it’s too big, your ad won’t appeal to most of those who see it, which means it will lose vital relevancy.

Schedule a call now!

If you’re a small business ready to take big steps forward, GeoFencing marketing is the perfect strategy to give you an edge. Luckily, at GeoReach, our experience, creativity, and innovative technology enable us to empower you. We help small businesses all across Connecticut realize their potential through tailored solutions. Schedule a call now! Whether you’re a featherweight or middleweight, we’ll make you a heavyweight contender.

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